So yeah...i just kind of gave up on this blog. What a shame. A complete shame.
Many things in my life have changed and I wouldn't even know where to begin anymore. I'm still in Manhattan Beach, have the same roommates for another month then Nikki is moving out with her boyfriend. It's been a strained relationship with Nikki for the past 4 months. Weird...
Also, I quit my restaurant job only to get another restaurant job that, believe it or not, I hate even more. In two days, I will be unemployed and 100% happy.
I guess there isn't a more perfect time to restart this blog, because I can fill you in on my unemployment adventures. I am truly excited because I've been a very unhappy person as of late due to hating my job and thinking, "what am i doing with my life?" all the time.
I've got three very cool acting projects coming up within the next month and feel like this is going to be a springboard for my career. I've decided to take April off of acting class and my teacher is quite unhappy. She wrote me a sweet email letting me know she thinks I've grown tremendously since I started (an incredible compliment from her) and she's offering me free coaching to discuss the next steps for my career and my art. Awesome.
So, if you haven't abandoned me as I've abandoned you, please follow along as I take some huge scary steps towards an extremely unstable career. Sometimes you just have to leap with both feet!