Monday, September 21, 2009

Be Bold.

September 20, 2009.

I'm taking a cue from my roomie, Lacey and being more adventurous with my phone. I'm getting braver at answering numbers and calling people that before, I would just ignore.

Do you have an irrational fear of the telephone like I do? I don't where it stems from, but since childhood I've always been a bit weird with the phone. I'm just not a phone person. I can have great conversations with almost anyone, face to face, but when it comes to the phone, my heart starts pounding, my palms get sweaty and most often I take the easy way out by ignoring it.

Today though, I answered a call from a guy we had met a few weeks ago at a bar down here in Manhattan. He was very sweet and him and his friend had invited the three of us to join them the next time they head down to the Standard in Downtown. So, we exchanged numbers in hope of hanging out again. He called a few days after and I was working so I didn't get the call. I decided about a week later that I wanted him to know it had been an accident that I missed his call, so that he wouldn't think i'm just “one of those girls”. This time, I got his voice mail.

Today he called me back to let me know he wasn't ignoring me either and we should definitely hang soon. Very, very sweet. And that was that. He wasn't pushy or trying real hard to make plans, just clearing the air.

Then this guy we all know from work was apparently hanging out at the beach today, the same one Lacey and I happened to be at, so Nikki, text me his number and told us he wanted us to call so that we could meet up.

Now, we've never hung out with this guy, outside of work before, but he's lost so many braincells from partying that it cracks us up to hear the way he speaks. So, without hesitation, I dialed his number and had one of the most entertaining conversations I've had with someone in a very long time.

We didn't end up meeting up, but it sure was fun chatting with him!

I never would have had those two conversations today if it hadn't been for Lacey's influence. She's so spontaneous and carefree when it comes to talking to people on the phone. I love that aspect of her personality and I hope to become more like that!

Today, was a great day. Tomorrow, I have two auditions and rehearsal for class. I'm stoked and exhausted and have less than 7 hours of sleep ahead of me. So adieu my friends, more tomorrow!


  1. I'm weird with the phone too. Very weird actually, haha.

    Break legs at your auditions!

  2. I'm the same way too, I figured there was something wrong with me. I've ruined perfectly good friendships from avoiding making phone calls! I'm great face to face, but if I actually have to phone someone, forget it. I have no idea why either.

    Good luck with the auditions!

  3. I'm a little weird with my phone. I'm always worried it's an emergency when I get calls from my family at weird hours of the day. Eek...

  4. I hate talking on the phone. I bought my first Blackberry last May, and I think I've made 3 phonecalls on it since then. I'd much rather email or text folks.
